Burbank Vacations is a reservation and marketing company for several vacation rental properties across the island of Jamaica. Our services include management and reservations for villas, apartments, hotels, and condominiums. We also provide excursions, car rental, and ground transportation services. Our company’s dedication to service and attention to detail, sets it apart from the rest. Whether it is a fantasy wedding, that special honeymoon or a family reunion, our team is sure to make it a memorable experience.
Contact us
Corporate Office
7901 4th st N. STE300
ST. Petersburg, FL
USA zip-33702
Burbank Vacations
Montego Bay Club Resort
11Queens Dr
Ocho Rios
Main street
ST. Ann
Sandcastles complex
Direct Contact
Main Office – (876) 610-6455/632-5250
Reservations WhatsApp – (876) 865-8999
Toll free from US & Canada – 1 (877) 794-7688